Sunday, July 23, 2006

Beginning a Writer's Resume Part Two

Ok, in the previous article Beginning a Writer's Resume - Part One, we took a look at the first three sections of your writer's resume. Now we need to go past that.


Your work history might have absolutely nothing to do with the job you are seeking or with your writing at all. You still need to include it. It's important for a potential employer to see that you have had some type of employment and that you are dependable, reliable and well...."employable".

So you are probably wondering how this differs from a regular resume with job history listings. After all, didn't I tell you before that this is a skills based writers resume? Yes, I did. And this is how they differ in this section.

First, these need to be quick little tid bits from each job. You are not looking to list everything you would in a normal job history. You need to include your job title, the dates you were with the company, where it's located and a contact number. You should include your duties but summarize - try to keep it below 2 to 3 lines.

For most writer's they have been self-employed as a freelance writer for some period of time. This needs to be the very first listing in this section. This will also help to explain any gaps in your employment history.

Here is an example of this section:

Freelance Writer - March 1998 to present

St. Louis, Missouri

Senior Blogger at for scrapbooking and frugal living articles, guest spot articles on adoption, food, single parenting and travel. Content Producer at Associated Content (see attachments for website information), published eight articles in Scrapbooker America, regular article contributor to Frugal Living Sunshine Publication. (see attachments for copies).

Office Manager - September 2004 to May 2006

Technical Ultrasound

St. Louis, Missouri; Jason Fellows - (555)123-4567

Processed all client paperwork, established and organized complete filing system, created and maintained employer website, increased client base by more than 75% in five months, created and marketed advertising media

Preschool Director - January 2000 to September 2004

The Hillside Academy

St. Louis, Missouri; Stephanie Huewitt - (555)123-4567

Created, Coordinated and Established developmental programs appropriate for preschool age children, maintained constant state ratio, processed all paperwork, designed full curriculum, created and maintained employer website, created and marketed advertising media

I think it goes without saying, that if you can find any duty you were required to do in any job that you have held that relates to your writing, by all means LIST IT! Even if it is something as simple as writing up a monthly newsletter, or contributing to one.

*Do not list reasons for leaving prior jobs. And do not include any other negative information, about yourself or the employers. This sends a less than desireable message to potential employers.


Next step to include is education. Basically this is the same as a regular resume, and should look no different on your writer's resume, with the exception that this is a good location to include any extra trainings such as vocational training, on-the-job training, online courses that are relevant to the job you are seeking, workshops, classes, etc.

If you have spent any time at all perusing the writing and editorial jobs in your local paper, you will probably notice that many of them ask for a degree in writing (e.g., journalism, English, etc.).

This is not the time to give up. So maybe you don't have one. A lot of companies are more than happy accept experience in lieu of formal education, especially when it's a large amount of experience. So by all means, quit panicking and apply anyway. You didn't have the job before, so what do you have to lose?


You may be brand new to the whole field of writing, so perhaps you have nothing to include under this section. Leave it off the writers resume. However, this section is benificial to anyone who has received any awards relating to writing and editing. If you are a member of any writing or editorial societies, guilds or organizations, list those as well.

Well, you are done! If you have any other tips and suggestions, please feel free to share them in the comments field :D Thanks!

Related Articles:

Writer's Resume

Help! I Need a Writer's Resume

Beginning a Writers Resume Part One

Beginning a Writers Resume Part Two

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Friday, July 21, 2006

Help! I need a Writer's Resume

When faced with the challenge of creating my own personal writer's resume, I panicked a little. In fact, I probably panicked a lot.

Sure, I have a regular resume. In fact, I have two. One for any administrative positions I apply for, because I have experience as an Office Manager and one for a teaching position, as I was a preschool teacher for over ten years of my life.

But my current dilemma was as a freelance writer. I'm not looking for a "day job" but I am looking for more writing jobs or possibly a position in the writing or publishing business.

If you're a freelancer, chances are that you

(a) work from home, and

(b) your employment history (current or former) may have little relationship to your writing skills.

So what do you do about that?

When you know you have the skills to handle a regular writing or editorial position, it becomes a challenge to prove it. So how do you convince an employer?

In a typical freelance writing situation, you will want to consider developing a "skills" resume instead.

A Skills resume is a perfectly acceptable alternative to the chronological resume, enabling you to focus on the skills and experience that are directly relevant to the job for which you're applying.

Next entry...getting started.

Related Articles:

Writer's Resume

Help! I Need a Writer's Resume

Beginning a Writers Resume Part One

Beginning a Writers Resume Part Two

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Thursday, July 13, 2006

Where's Everything Go? Why Don't You Write Anymore?

Hey friends!

I know many of you are wondering where the posts went, and why I haven't been around on this blog much lately, and let me explain.

I got a job writing for and that is where all my scrapbooking, adoption and frugal living posts go now. So if you are looking for any of those, hop on over there and vist me at my blog!

I have also been working on getting the ScribblesNScraps website back up and it is undergoing some changes. But it's on it's way and is scheduled to be up and running smoothly by the end of July. The blog that ScribblesNScraps contains will transfer over from this one - the writing blog - since writing has become my means of employment!

In additon, I got my Richmont Direct website back up and running, so if you are interested in any products, check it out.
I will be updating it soon with our new supplements and a brand new printer ink product section we have.

In the meantime, the most current information is found at and I hope to see you there!

Love, Nicole
