Sunday, January 14, 2007

Short Story Markets

I thought every so often I would add a list of great places to submit various genre's and types of work to.

Here is a great list of Short Story Markets

Cornell University
251 Goldwin Smith Hall
Ithaca, NY 14853
(607) 255-3385 Ph
(607) 255-6661 Fx

This tri-annual literary journal accepts "well-written literary fiction, poetry, and personal essays". They welcome newcomers. They would like to see more Southern fiction (southern U.S.)
Contact: Joseph Martin, senior editor
Terms: Pays $5 to $10/printed page on publication for first rights. Byline is given. Offers 100% kill fee.
Submissions: Send complete manuscript by mail. No simultaneous submissions.


Zoetrope: All-Story
The Sentinel Bldg.,
916 Kearny Street
San Francisco, CA 94133
(415) 788-7500
This quarterly specializes in the best of contemporary short stories.
Accepts: Literary short stories and one-act plays.
Contact: Francis Ford Coppola, publisher; Michael Ray, editor
Terms: Pays $1,000 for first serial rights. Byline is given.
Submissions: Send complete manuscript by mail (does not accept submissions June 1 - August 31). Accepts simultaneous submissions.


6614 Clayton Road, PMB 325
Richmont Heights, MO 63117
(314) 862-2643 Ph
(314) 862-2983 Fx
This tri-annual covers fiction, poetry and essays.
Accepts: "Original creative work [of 8,000 words maximum] by well-known authors, as well as by writers of exciting promise."
Contact: Richard Burgin, editor
Terms: Pays $20/page, minimum $150, on publication for first North American serial rights. Byline is given.
Submissions: Send complete manuscript by mail. Accepts simultaneous submissions.


Glimmer Train
Glimmer Train Press
1211 N.W. Glisan St., Suite 207
Portland, OR 97209
(503) 221-0836 Ph
(503) 221-0837 Fx
This quarterly of short literary fiction is accepting "well-written emotionally moving short stories" of up to 12,000 words.
Contact: Linda Swanson-Davies, co-editor
Terms: Pays $500 on acceptance for first rights. Byline is given.
Submissions: Submit via online form. Does not accept simultaneous submissions.

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